Town and Country Planning Services
With the complexities of the modern planning system, GEP Consulting has the knowledge and experience to guide clients through the intricacies of strategic mixed use developments, regeneration projects, energy generation and waste management projects.
Our planning experts deliver value through an integrated approach to development. We help our clients to meet the challenges of infrastructure planning and property development, drawing on our teams of planners, masterplanners, transport planners, economists and specialists in climate change, sustainability and cultural heritage. Our unique mix of skills lend themselves to any scale of project requiring multi-disciplinary input.
Working closely with planning authorities and local stakeholders enables us to understand their objectives and gain support for your proposals. We blend our thorough knowledge of current and emerging planning policy with commercial acumen to advise where you can maximise value and exploit new opportunities.
We provide a full range of planning services tailored specifically to meet your objectives, including:
- Planning consultancy advice
- Planning and development strategies
- Planning appraisals
- Community Engagement
- Applications, Appeals and Public Enquiries
- Urban design – development frameworks and design briefs
- Expert witness
- Local Development Framework planning – planning policy
- Planning gain/obligations
- Development Plans monitoring, evidence base preparation and representations.